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Ferdinand Phinizy Lecture

Dr. Ferdinand Phinizy Calhoun, Sr.

(1879 - 1965)

Ferdinand Phinizy II

(1819 - 1889)

The Ferdinand Phinizy Lectureship was established and endowed by Dr. Ferdinand Phinizy Calhoun, Sr., of Atlanta, UGA class of 1900, as a memorial to his grandfather, Ferdinand Phinizy II, of Athens, who was a graduate of the UGA class of 1838.

From economist John Kenneth Galbraith to novelists Walker Percy and Richard Ford, the Phinizy Lectures have featured some of the nation's most distinguished writers and thinkers over their nearly 60-year span. They have contributed significantly to the intellectual and cultural life of the University’s students, faculty, and community.

In order to increase the size of the Lectureship Fund and, thus, to enable it to attract a more expensive, prominent Lecturer and continue the high quality of the Lectureship in the future, we ask that you consider a tax-deductible financial contribution.  Please contact us if you are interested.

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